
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

If You Live In NYC...

Okay, if you live in the city and you've never been to one of the many PAPAYA restaurants that are scattered all over the overly populated city, then you're totally missing out.  Today I went to one of these fabulous locations with my friends for lunch.  It was one of the best meals that I've had in a while outside of my home.

Sorry Grandma.

She makes amazing food.  Though technically I haven't been over at her place to eat the food she makes in a little while.  Every now and then she comes over to make food or bring it over, or just sends some over.  Either way, my Grandma's food is just downright delicious.  Then again, why wouldn't homemade Dominican food be delicious?

Back on subject, if you've never ever been to a PAPAYA restaurant, then get up off your butt and find one!!!  You are missing out until you do.  Go eat PAPAYA and die happily, or else.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I had to do this for class.  My head was exploding, this was my first time using prezi EVER.  I don't think that I'm going near for a while...