
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cronuts and Prairie Dogs

Today I got four cronuts.  A friend of mine wanted to do a pick-up, but wanted there to actually be a decent amount left when she got there, so she called in an order.  The thing is, to make an order you need to have at least 50 cronuts in the order.  She didn't want that many.  So she sent out an email saying she was going make an order and if anyone wanted any they needed to let her know how many they wanted and they needed to pay up.  You can imagine she got quite a few requests.

The flavor of the month is blueberry by the way.

Now, a little bit ago someone showed me this 30 second long youtube video that just seems absolutely silly and make you question why you're watching it.  But, it is just downright funny.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Moms Make The World Go 'Round

Hello there!

I know that it's been a while, but I've just had a lot on my plate recently.  Getting back to business, a few days ago I came across this article about a remarkably brave woman, by the name of Elizabeth Joice, who had a past history of cancer.  This was a cancer that through many treatments, was thought to have been 'eradicated'.  However, it was learned only a few months into her very first pregnancy that the cancer had returned.

She could undergo chemotherapy for the cancer, but the dyes used for the treatment would have an impact on her pregnancy.  Due to this, she chose to forgo the treatment and instead go through with the pregnancy.  Due to complications, Elizabeth's baby was delivered 6 weeks early in January of this year(2014) via c-section.  She was named Lily.  Elizabeth Joice succumbed to her cancer nearly 6 weeks after her daughter's birth.

I love this article and the story behind it because this woman wasn't afraid to set aside her own life for that of her own child's.  It wasn't a definite that the chemotherapy would work, so to take that chance and possibly ruin two lives instead of one would seem a little heartless to me.  This is my own opinion, I don't speak for the world because I know everyone has their own opinion.

To read the above article here is the link.

This article made me think of another incident that happened this past September(2013).  The woman that this incident involves will forever be my role-model, and there are reasons for that other than this incident.  I was able to find an article about the incident.  The woman who was involved in this incident is a friend of mine named MaryJane.  What happened was something that can happen to just about anyone in the world.

MaryJane was doing her morning run through the park with her 8 month old(at the time) in his stroller when she was suddenly attacked.  She was tackled to the ground by an unknown man and was scared.  But she wasn't truly scared for herself, she was scared for her baby.  What she did next was truly inspirational.  She reached into the basket of the stroller and pulled out a bicycle pump.  She beat the man with the pump until he ran away.

In the midst of it all, MaryJane cared more for the well-being of her own child that for herself.  When I first heard what had happened to my friend, my reaction was different from everyone else's reactions.  I walked up my friend and said to her "Go Supermom!".  It was only after I walked away that I realized I hadn't asked if she was okay.  When I went back and said so, she said she was happy for it.  I guess everyone had been saying the same exact thing to her over and over again, treating her like she was breakable.  It still baffles me as to why some people would do that, she basically proved that she isn't with the occurrence of this incident.  Some people.

To read the article about the above incident click here.